Voting Now Open for Top Cow's Pilot Season

Wanna see me and Jorge Lucas do more RIPCLAW? Then head over to the Pilot Season page on MySpace and cast your vote. You don't need to be a member of MySpace to vote, and you can vote more than once, so knock yourself out.

Newsarama has an interview with both outgoing GHOST RIDER writer Daniel Way and me, the new guy, talking about the changes to the character's origin that were revealed in this week's issue #18. Judging by the comments there, fans are pretty divided, and I agree with them that Ghost Rider's continuity is already ridiculously convoluted. Trust me, I've been reading old Ghost Rider comics for months now, so I feel your pain. I'm definitely not looking to make things any more complicated. If anything, I think my run on the book will be easy to follow for new readers as well as longtime fans. That's what I'm aiming for, at least.
Here's the interview
Life is good, how are you?
Also, THE OTHER SIDE popped up on another "Best of 2007" list, courtesy of DRAWN!
And if you want an idea of where things will be headed when I take over GHOST RIDER, you should check out this week's issue #18, which features a big revelation about the character. It's the issue with the kick-ass Tony Moore cover.
SCALPED #12 will ship one week late
Washington Post's "Best Of" 2007
Army@Love #1 By Rick Veitch and Gary Erskine, Vertigo/DC Comics, $2.99
Aya By Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie, Drawn & Quarterly, $19.95
Beyond! By Dwayne McDuffie and Scott Kolins, Marvel, $19.99
Exit Wounds By Rutu Modan, Drawn & Quarterly, $19.95
Luxuria: Casanova, Vol. 1 By Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba, Image, $24.99
The Other Side By Jason Aaron and Cameron Stewart, Vertigo, $12.99
The Plain Janes By Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg, Minx/DC Comics, $9.99
Sentences: The Life of M.F. Grimm By Percy Carey and Ronald Wimberly, Vertigo/DC Comics, $19.99
Silverfish By David Lapham, Vertigo/DC Comics, $24.99
Cameron's response: "The old gal has life in her yet." Yes, she does, Cameron. Yes, she does.
Things I'm Thankful For
- Having a great and loving family, in particular a couple of incredibly supportive women: namely my wife Kelly and my mother Betty.
- That I actually get paid to write comic books (Trust me, every time I get a check in the mail, I still can't believe it).
- All the support I've gotten from writers like Ed Brubaker, Brian K. Vaughan, Brian Wood, Garth Ennis and Andy Diggle, retailers like Adam Mix of Daydreams Comics in Iowa City and William Binderup of Elite Comics here in Kansas City, and from other great people like Vaneta Rogers of Newsarama and Chris Neseman from the Around Comics podcast.
- My best friend, Jon Falkner, who's the proud father of a beautiful new baby girl.
- My late cousin, Gustav Hasford, the greatest writer I've ever known, and his friends and fellow vets of the First Marine Division ISO Snuffies.
- Editor Will Dennis of Vertigo, without whom I wouldn't have a writing career.
- Artist R.M. Guéra, my always passionate, always creative partner in crime.
- The other amazing artists and editors I've been fortunate enough to work with over the last year, in particular editor Axel Alonso of Marvel, and artists Cameron Stewart and Jock.
- The NFL Sunday Ticket on Directv (I don't know where I'd be without it).
- My laptop, AKA "My Office."
- My DC comp box.
- That President Bush is a lame duck.
- Getting to sleep late on the weekends.
- Being born a Southerner.
- Living in a city with great BBQ.
- Bruce Springsteen.
- You. Thanks for reading.
February Solicits
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
"Dead Mothers" Part 2 of 5. The murder mystery heats up when Dash Bad Horse finds himself between a rock and a hard place after learning the shocking secret behind the suspect he's been chasing. Plus, Chief Red Crow greets a most unwelcome visitor.
On Sale February 6, 2008
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
This volume, collecting issues #6-11 of the acclaimed new series by Jason Aaron (THE OTHER SIDE), explores Dash Bad Horse's troubled origin and chronicles his day-to-day life on The Rez working for Chief Red Crow.
On Sale February 6, 2008
Following the startling revelations of the previous arc, writer Jason Aaron (WOLVERINE, Scalped) and artist Roland Boschi take Ghost Rider down a blazing new road! Over the years, Johnny Blaze has lost everything to the curse of the Ghost Rider -- his family, his life, even his soul. But now, at long last, Johnny finally knows who's responsible for turning him into a flame-headed horror-show on wheels, and he's hitting the road, looking for vengeance and answers…but mostly just vengeance.
On Sale February 13, 2008
Written by JASON AARON Pencils & Cover by RON GARNEY
Writer Jason Aaron (Scalped) and artist Ron Garney (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) bring you a searing 4-part epilogue to the biggest X-Men Event in a decade. In the searing aftermath of "Messiah CompleX," Wolverine has just one thing on his mind: revenge. But who is the focus of his rage, and what dark secret does he share with them? And how far over the edge is Wolverine willing to go to get what he wants?
On Sale February 13, 2008
Talking GHOST RIDER with artist Roland Boschi
More high praise for SCALPED
Do you miss PREACHER? I miss PREACHER.
I remember picking up the first issue and thinking, "Finally!" Finally a comic for people like me. Finally a comic for the regular guy in the street. Finally a comic I can show to my brothers, who love tough-guy movies as much as anyone but wouldn't piss on a comic shop if it was on fire.
(I've always been the black sheep of the family in that regard. If by "black" you mean "comic-reading" and by "sheep" you mean "nerd").
If, like me, you're gut-sick of comics being polarized between marketing-driven spandex continuity clusterfucks on the one side, and too-cool-for-school indie posturing on the other, you'll love SCALPED.
If you're into HBO or Tarantino or Scorsese or Eastwood or Peckinpah, you'll love SCALPED. It'll kick your ass hard and leave you coming back for more. And I'm not just saying that because my good mate Jock is rocking the covers.
SCALPED writer Jason Aaron doesn't just talk the talk - he's walking the walk too, putting his money where his mouth is by offering you a money back guarantee if you buy the first trade paperback collection SCALPED: INDIAN COUNTRY, and don't like it. But it's a pretty safe bet because, trust me, you're gonna want more.
Don't believe me? Download the first issue for free at DC, and once you hit that bitch-slap of a last-page reveal, you're gonna go pick up the trade to find out what happens next. Then head over to to see what guys like Brian K. Vaughan, Garth Ennis, Ed Brubaker and, hell, Playboy magazine are saying about the best new series in comics.
We need more comics like SCALPED. Buy it. Tell your friends. This is the good shit, and it deserves your support.
Brian Wood says:
SCALPED - I once said it was “perfect comics” (huh, just like the Italians!) and I meant it. Jason Aaron makes it look effortless. Even though I KNOW it’s not, all too well, he makes me believe it is, that his writing tumbles out of his head easily and beautiful on the first draft. It’s such a pleasure to read, all bad and dirty and nasty and sexy with dialogue like razors… and the art (ah, the art!)… Will Dennis, our mutual editor, wrote in an “On The Ledge” that you can see the dirt under the fingernails of the characters. Well, you can’t ACTUALLY see the dirt, but the art is so well executed that it makes you imagine you can. Why this isn’t a major, major seller is beyond me, especially with the logline “The Sopranos on an Indian reservation.” Anyway, as if anyone should need further convincing, Jason’ll give you your money back if you don’t like it.
SCALPED #11 in stores this week

It's the conclusion of the epic "Casino Boogie" arc, and it focuses on Gina Bad Horse, as she grapples with the secrets of her militant past.
Check it out and then come talk about it here.
SCALPED: Now with a money back guarantee
Here are the details:
Tell your friends.
Listen to Garth Ennis:
The best new series in years. Spread the word. Tell your friends. Talk about it. Blog about it.
Listen to Ed Brubaker:
Read SCALPED and love it, or your money back! Jason Aaron is going a different route to try to get more readers for his excellent Vertigo book - SCALPED. This is one of my very favorite comics right now, and I highly recommend you all take him up on his offer. Please give a great book a chance. Drop some superhero book (not one of mine, of course) that you've been buying out of habit and not enjoying and try something new.
My Marvel Future

There's a new interview at Newsarama where I talk about my upcoming Marvel work, namely a four issue stint on WOLVERINE and the ongoing duties on GHOST RIDER. One thing I forgot to mention was that covers for my GHOST RIDER run will be by the amazing Marko Djurdjevic.
Here's the interview.
P.S. There's also some exciting news about SCALPED mentioned.
Iowa, are you ready to rock?!
Here's an interview I did with the Daily Iowan.
January solicitations

Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
"Dead Mothers" Part 1 of 5. The day after the grand opening of the Crazy Horse casino, the Prairie Rose Indian Reservation wakes to find that two women have been murdered during the night, leaving undercover FBI agent Dash Bad Horse to search for the killers and in the process perhaps come to grips with his own history and identity.
Vertigo 32pg. Color $2.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale January 9, 2008
And in February:
SCALPED VOL. 2: CASINO BOOGIE trade paperback
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
This volume, collecting issues #6-11 of the acclaimed new series by Jason Aaron (THE OTHER SIDE), explores Dash Bad Horse's troubled origin and chronicles his day-to-day life on The Rez working for Chief Red Crow.
Vertigo 144pg. Color Softcover $14.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale February 6, 2008
Saturday Night's Alright for Writing
SCALPED #10 out this week
Oh Jason Aaron, I'm sorry we got off to a bad start. I said it on the video show, and I'm saying it here. Jason Aaron... are we OK? You know, are we cool? Because I want to be cool with me. I didn't mean what I said, and it's out there on the internet now, and I can't take it back, because that's how the internet works. You make a mistake, and it lays out there forever, waiting for just the right moment when you cram your foot back into your big stupid mouth. I feel bad, because you gave me one of my favorite current comic book series, and something I can keep reading and enjoying and recommending for a long time, and I didn't even give you a fair shake. Well, here I am, making it up to you.
I guess I had to get that out of the way.
Here's a thing about comics. If you're 10 issues into a new series and you can do a fill-in issue that doesn't have anything to do with the plot, and it's not because the art team needs a break, and it is actually good, and adds something to the world, even without directly moving the story forward, you've got something good. We're in the middle of the second big arc of this story, and here, Aaron decided to focus on a completely unknown character that gives us a view of the world of the Prairie Rose Indian Reservation in a depth we haven't had before. I really want to know what's happening next to Dashiell Bad Horse, yet I didn't mind this diversion one bit.
Click here for the full review
Don't worry, Josh. We're cool. Thanks for giving the book another shot.
Kind words from Ed Brubaker
Ed Brubaker, writer of DAREDEVIL, CRIMINAL and CAPTAIN AMERICA, answered:
Scalped or Casanova. I can't pick just one.
And why?
Because they're both completely unique and compelling works by authors who arrived recently with their voices already in tune. Scalped is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time. And Casanova is the superspy comic done crazy. It's got so many ideas on each page that it's almost exhausting.
And both books have great artists working on them, with a strength in storytelling not just being flashy.
Thanks, Ed. And I strongly second his endorsement of CASANOVA. What an amazing book.
SCALPED #12 Solicitation
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by John Paul Leon; Cover by Dave Johnson
As the first year of SCALPED comes to its dramatic conclusion, we spend a night with Dash Bad Horse — the reservation's resident bad-ass — as he lays out his hopes and dreams, his fears and darkest secrets, and his plan for staying alive throughout the turmoil.
Vertigo 32pg. Color $2.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale December 5, 2007
Comic Con in Lawrence, KS this weekend
My first issue of FRIDAY THE 13TH is out today

Written by Jason Aaron
Cover by Dustin Nguyen
Art by Adam Archer and Peter Guzman
Teenager Davie Falkner was born with a skull deformity that makes him the butt of nearly every joke. When his parents send him to camp, he learns that being different might just save your life at Camp Crystal Lake!
More Wolverine

Here's the article, which also contains a few comments from Howard Chaykin about the story he and I did for WOLVERINE #56.
Thoughts on SCALPED #9
I just recently finished reading THE OTHER SIDE published by vertigo, between sleep and work. What a great read that was. I’m not a big fan of war stories unless they offer something different than the usual stuff. This one certainly did. I was at first compelled to check this out because of the amazing Cameron Stewart. I love his work. But as I got into the story I was really impressed with how well it was written by Jason Aaron. Very intense, and hard to take at times, but a story like this should be. Cameron drew the hell out of this book, stunning. The combination of Jason’s thought provoking writing and Cameron’s extremely detailed art (that doesn’t forget the emotions of the scenes) made for a powerfully emotional impact. The ending just hits you very hard and haunts you for quite sometime afterward, which is very appropriate. When you see the content you’ll know what I mean by that. Great stuff.
Signing this Saturday in Oklahoma City
Alter Ego Comic Cast #68
St. Louis Signing
Thanks to A.J. and everyone at Star Clipper for hosting me, Seth Peck (writer of the upcoming SORROW and '76 from Image), Steven Sanders (artist of FIVE FISTS OF SCIENCE from Image and the new cell phone comic THUNDER ROAD), Kelly Sue DeConnick (writer of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT: EBEN AND STELLA from IDW) and Matt Fraction (writer of THE IMMORTAL IRON FIST, THE ORDER and PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL for Marvel, as well as the great CASANOVA for Image).
If you're ever in the St. Louis area, be sure to check out Star Clipper. It's one of very best comic stores I've ever been in.
Interview at PopMatters
by Bill Radford
It’s a big month for Jason Aaron.
The start of August saw the release of a trade paperback collecting the first five issues of his ongoing series, SCALPED.
Also this month from Aaron: issue No. 8 of SCALPED, published by Vertigo, DC Comics’ mature-reader imprint; the double-size WOLVERINE No. 56 from Marvel; and RIPCLAW: PILOT SEASON No. 1 from Top Cow.
It would seem the days of waiting tables and stocking video-store shelves are over for Aaron, who is happily adjusting to the transformation from comics fan to comics pro.
Click here for the full text
Advance Review of WOLVERINE #56

An honest-to-Gawd good Wolvie story? No, excuse me, a GREAT Wolvie story! One that doesn't involve an umpteenth battle with his stereotypical nemesis, doesn't rewrite his origin, doesn't involve hidden or resurfaced memories! A story that's self-contained, new-reader friendly and doesn't tie in to the X-titles but features Wolvie as a character on his own strength?
Please, pinch me!
Click here for the full review.
SCALPED #11 Solicitation Copy

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by R.M. Guera
Cover by Jock
Witness the final days of Gina Bad Horse in the dramatic finale of the 6-part "Casino Boogie." In a maximum security prison in Kansas, trying to comfort an innocent man convicted of double murder, Gina realizes that the darkest of her secrets must now see the light.
On sale November 7 o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Signing in St. Louis this weekend
I'll be at Star Clipper in St. Louis this Saturday, August 25, from 2 to 6 pm, along with the following:
KELLY SUE DECONNICK, WRITER (30 Days of Night: Eben & Stella)
MATT FRACTION, WRITER (Iron Fist, Casanova)
JEREMY HAUN, ARTIST (Civil War: Iron Man/ Captain America, New Excalibur)
B. CLAY MOORE, WRITER (The Leading Man, Hawaiian Dick)
STEVEN SANDERS, ARTIST (Five Fists of Science)
I'll be the bald one.
Preview of WOLVERINE #56
SCALPED Director's Commentary: Part Three

The first trade paperback collection of SCALPED was realeased a couple weeks ago, which represents a personal milestone a long time in the making. It was February 2005 and I was standing at the bus stop after a day spent working my shitty day job, when I got a call from editor Will Dennis at Vertigo. I was already writing THE OTHER SIDE for Will, and he was calling to let me know that The Powers That Be had just greenlighted my other idea, SCALPED. Later that same week, I also got a new car and got married, so it proved to be a pretty life changing couple of days. Now here I am, more than two years later, very proud of how SCALPED turned out and very excited about the direction of my career.
And on a completely different note, here's my personal soundtrack for SCALPED Vol. 1. These are either songs that I listened to while working on the book or songs that directly inspired it.
“Ou Es-Tu, Mon Amour?” – Willie Nelson
From Willie's hauntingly beautiful 1998 album Teatro.
“Custer” – Johnny Cash
I probably listened to this song a hundred times while writing SCALPED. It's from the album Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian.
“Rip This Joint” – Rolling Stones
From what's probably the greatest rock album of all time, Exile on Main Street.
“Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” – Buffy Saint-Marie
A great song about jailed Native rights activist Leonard Peltier. I'm not a huge Indigo Girls fan, but they've also done a good version of it.
“Nebraska” – Bruce Springsteen
A powerful song from an amazingly stark yet incredibly rich album.
“For A Few Dollars More” – Ennio Morricone
Brian Azzarello's LOVELESS ain't the only Vertigo book that has a bit of spaghetti western in it.
“Hello Trouble” – Buck Owens
AKA, "The Ballad of Dash and Carol."
“7 Months, 39 Days” – Hank Williams III
If I could take one real person and write them as a character in SCALPED, it would be Hank III. Complete with duct tape covered boots and that hat that looks like it's been backed over by a truck.
“Stagger Lee” -- Nick Cave
From Cave's 1996 album Murder Ballads, another one of my favorites.
“Death Around the Corner” -- 2Pac
I also listen to a lot of 2Pac while working on SCALPED. I think the paranoia and fear and anger he exhibits on songs like this could play as a straight soundtrack for a lot of the characters on our fictional rez.
“Down Yonder” – Willie Nelson
Another great Willie instrumental, from perhaps his greatest album, Red Headed Stranger.
“I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive” – Hank Williams
As the saying goes, if you don't like Hank Williams, you can kiss my ass.
“The Devil’s Right Hand” – Steve Earle
I have no doubt that in a different reality where Steve Earle never learned to play guitar, he would've been one of the world's greatest short story writers.
“O Bury Me Not” – Sons of the Pioneers
No, that's not a joke. I listen to a lot of music by the old singing cowboys.
“Memo From Turner” – Mick Jagger
From the soundtrack to Jagger's 1970 film Performance. Don't know quite what it is about this song, but I can't ever get enough of it.
“You Show Me Yours”– Kris Kristofferson
One of my favorite songs from one of the men (not just songwriters but men from any walk of life) who I most admire.
“Rock Hard In A Funky Place” -- Prince
Prince's Black Album is Carol's favorite, no doubt about it.
“Where Did You Sleep Last Night” – Leadbelly
I listen to this song all the time too, and I imagine it's just as haunting now as it was back in 1944.
“Round Dance” – Northern Cree Singers
My favorite performers of traditonal Native American drumming. These guys are riveting.
RIPCLAW update
Check out the podcat for an advance review ("Kudos upon kudos upon kudos," they said of the book). And there's an interview with Top Cow editor Rob Levin and I at Comic Book Resources.
My Comic-Con Recap
Running into Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick at the airport and having someone to chat with on the plane.
Meeting Warren Ellis (eventhough he had no idea who the hell I was).
Meeting comedian Brian Posehn and finding out he’s a big fan of THE OTHER SIDE.
Making out with Rick Remender (he wishes).
The Lobster Sliders at Chive.
Meeting Ivan Brandon and getting a copy of 24seven Vol. 2 (which looks terrific).
Getting a custom-made Engine message board ID from Rantz Hoseley.
Getting lots of free shit (apparently when comic creators are alone, they GIVE things to each another).
Getting invited to a convention in Spain.
Getting writing and career advice from the always straight-shooting Brian Azzarello.
Seeing and chatting with almost everyone I wanted to see.
Attending the Eisners and having my nomination read by one of the dudes from “Reno 911.”
Seeing the one-legged lady at the GRINDHOUSE booth.
Feeling a little like a creepy perv after taking photos of the one-legged lady at the GRINDHOUSE booth.
Losing at the Eisners (though it was to Paul Pope, who’s a genius and a rock star, so what are you gonna do?).
Failing miserably in my quest to meet Grant Morrison (and even missing all of his panels).
Failing even more miserably in my quest to make out with Rosario Dawson.
Forgetting to steal the SCALPED poster off the wall of DC’s Green Room.
It taking longer to clean up Jim Lee’s suite before a party than it took for the actual party to get shut down by security.
"Just write the fuckin’ Wolverine."
"Not bad for a pale face."
"There’s no such thing as a comic book emergency."
"I wanna know who the rat bastard was that called in the complaint."
"That’s gotta be what trench warfare smelled like."
"You know what doesn’t talk? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Go make me one."
My SDCC Schedule

It looks to be a busy week for me at the San Diego Comic-Con. Lots of signings, lots of meetings, lots of beer drinking, and the Eisners too. I'm really looking forward to the trip though, if for no other reason than to get out of this miserable Kansas heat. If you're there, be sure and say hi.
5:30-7pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
1:30-3pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
4:30-6pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
3-4:30pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
4:30-5:30pm > PANEL – Vertigo Editorial Presentation (Room 5AB)
11:30am-1pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
4-5:30pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table
10:30am-12:30pm > Signing at the DC booth/Vertigo table