Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
"Dead Mothers" Part 1 of 5. The day after the grand opening of the Crazy Horse casino, the Prairie Rose Indian Reservation wakes to find that two women have been murdered during the night, leaving undercover FBI agent Dash Bad Horse to search for the killers and in the process perhaps come to grips with his own history and identity.
Vertigo 32pg. Color $2.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale January 9, 2008
And in February:
SCALPED VOL. 2: CASINO BOOGIE trade paperback
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by R.M. Guera; Cover by Jock
This volume, collecting issues #6-11 of the acclaimed new series by Jason Aaron (THE OTHER SIDE), explores Dash Bad Horse's troubled origin and chronicles his day-to-day life on The Rez working for Chief Red Crow.
Vertigo 144pg. Color Softcover $14.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale February 6, 2008
Good God, that's an amazing cover.
Query: since this issue I'm guessing takes place directly after "Casino Boogie", does issue #12 take place in the future, or around the same time frame?
Issue #12 takes place between the end of "Casino Boogie" and the beginning of "Dead Mothers," and it focuses just on Dash. Issue #12 is basically just a way of summing up the first year of the book and setting up the major events of year two.
For those Scalped fans that do not have access to a comic store for new issues, do you have any advice on how to obtain them seeing as the Vertigo subscription page does not list Scalped as an available title?
Nathan, you can try Khepri.com or Midtown Comics.
"Issue #12 takes place between the end of "Casino Boogie" and the beginning of "Dead Mothers," and it focuses just on Dash"
Kind of funny that you're doing a story tying into Messiah Complex, a Mr. Sinister driven event, and at the same time John Paul Leon is doing Scalped.
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