An honest-to-Gawd good Wolvie story? No, excuse me, a GREAT Wolvie story! One that doesn't involve an umpteenth battle with his stereotypical nemesis, doesn't rewrite his origin, doesn't involve hidden or resurfaced memories! A story that's self-contained, new-reader friendly and doesn't tie in to the X-titles but features Wolvie as a character on his own strength?
Please, pinch me!
Click here for the full review.
Man..... Works well. Thanks. Nice team on that book. I picked it up ... just in case I mite like it not knowing anything at al about the current state of affairs for the character... it was a great welcome home for me.
Hey, I posted this on another board, but I'll say the same here.... Between Scalped, Rip Claw and this issue of Wolverine I think I'm developing a man crush... in a manly-non-gay-not-that-there's-anything-wrong-with-that kinda way.
Awesome stuff and I'm really looking forward to reading more.
it was definitely my favorite comic I Picked up this week. And I can't remember the last time I bought Wolverine.
IGN loved it
Seems to be getting good reviews and feedback all around. I'm excited, since this is my big introduction to the Marvel U. Look for more Marvel work from me coming early next year.
You did a great job with Logan, and I have to say that you are making of Scalped one of my tops, You are the man, and Diesel is the baddest fucking injun on this ...
Really great work.
You and Fraction are coming on STRONG in 07.
By the way, I reviewed the Wolverine issue here:
Thanks for the great review, Timothy. I haven't read your book, but it's definitely on my To Read list. I'm a HUGE Grant Morrison fan. I tried to name my son after him, but my wife vetoed that, and instead we went with Dashiell, which ain't bad.
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