From the Bendis board.
If only...
What I'll Be Writing in 2009
By my count, I had 36 comics published in 2008, plus a couple of short stories. All told I got to write a lot of different characters: Ghost Rider, Wolverine, John Constantine, Black Panther, The Penguin, American Eagle and the Punisher, in addition to the denizens of the Prairie Rose rez in SCALPED, of course.
In 2009, I should have at least as many comics out, if not more, but I won't be doing as many short stints on different titles. Instead I'll be focusing on a handful of ongoing series, as follows:
SCALPED -- 2009 will be taken up almost entirely by two big arcs. "High Lonesome" starts in January's #25 and lasts five issues, though it's really more a collection of stand-alone issues than it it a cohesive arc. After that, we begin a pivotal arc entitled "The Gnawing." As I've said before, this is when the shit really hits the fan. This is what we've been building toward in these first two years, and this arc also sets the stage for everything to follow.
GHOST RIDER -- I should have 11 more issues of GHOST RIDER out in 2009 to wrap up my run, and I think they'll be my best issues yet on the title. In particular I'm excited about the issues my buddy Tony Moore is drawing, starting with #33 in March.
WOLVERINE: WEAPON X -- This new ongoing kicks off in April, and I'm hoping to have a very long run on this. This will be me getting to tell ever story I've ever wanted to tell with Wolverine.
OTHER MARVEL ONGOING -- Later in 2009 I'll also be starting a run on an undisclosed Marvel series. All I'll say is that it's a dream project of mine in every way, from the series itself to the artist I'm getting to work with to the villains they're letting me use. Can't wait.
ASSORTED ONE-SHOTS AND SUCH -- I'll probably also have a few one-shots out here and there. I've been working on one and may already have another lined up. Work also continues on a graphic novel I've been doing for Oni. You probably won't see that in 2009 though.
All in all, it sounds like enough to keep me busy. Speaking of which, I gotta get back to work now.
Happy New Year, everybody.
In 2009, I should have at least as many comics out, if not more, but I won't be doing as many short stints on different titles. Instead I'll be focusing on a handful of ongoing series, as follows:
SCALPED -- 2009 will be taken up almost entirely by two big arcs. "High Lonesome" starts in January's #25 and lasts five issues, though it's really more a collection of stand-alone issues than it it a cohesive arc. After that, we begin a pivotal arc entitled "The Gnawing." As I've said before, this is when the shit really hits the fan. This is what we've been building toward in these first two years, and this arc also sets the stage for everything to follow.
GHOST RIDER -- I should have 11 more issues of GHOST RIDER out in 2009 to wrap up my run, and I think they'll be my best issues yet on the title. In particular I'm excited about the issues my buddy Tony Moore is drawing, starting with #33 in March.
WOLVERINE: WEAPON X -- This new ongoing kicks off in April, and I'm hoping to have a very long run on this. This will be me getting to tell ever story I've ever wanted to tell with Wolverine.
OTHER MARVEL ONGOING -- Later in 2009 I'll also be starting a run on an undisclosed Marvel series. All I'll say is that it's a dream project of mine in every way, from the series itself to the artist I'm getting to work with to the villains they're letting me use. Can't wait.
ASSORTED ONE-SHOTS AND SUCH -- I'll probably also have a few one-shots out here and there. I've been working on one and may already have another lined up. Work also continues on a graphic novel I've been doing for Oni. You probably won't see that in 2009 though.
All in all, it sounds like enough to keep me busy. Speaking of which, I gotta get back to work now.
Happy New Year, everybody.
My New Gig

Here's my interview with Newsarama.
And editor John Barber's interview at
The Oregonian on SCALPED
There may be better comic books on your shelf each week, but there is no better graphic novel, unfolding in monthly installments, than Jason Aaron's Scalped.
I understand the aversion to the term "graphic novel," the suspicion that comics fans are trying a little too hard to label the sequential storytelling that has overflowed its normal boundaries. But Aaron has approached the first 23 issues of Scalped with the novelist's sensibility, slowly developing a storyline -- and a cast of characters Cormac McCarthy would love -- which requires that readers used to the immediate and insipid gratifications of mainstream titles recognize they are in it for the long haul.
Full text here
I understand the aversion to the term "graphic novel," the suspicion that comics fans are trying a little too hard to label the sequential storytelling that has overflowed its normal boundaries. But Aaron has approached the first 23 issues of Scalped with the novelist's sensibility, slowly developing a storyline -- and a cast of characters Cormac McCarthy would love -- which requires that readers used to the immediate and insipid gratifications of mainstream titles recognize they are in it for the long haul.
Full text here
Random Teases
Posted by
Jason Aaron
R.M. Guera
Roland Boschi
Stephen Segovia
Tan Eng Huat
Wizard's Best of 2008

Wizard "Best Of" Picks
AMERICAN EAGLE now available online

My 8 page American Eagle story is now available at, but you do have to be a subscriber to their Digital Comics service.
GHOST RIDER #30 variant cover
Solicits for January
Posted by
Jason Aaron
Arthur Suydam

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by R.M. Guera
Cover by Jock
In this first part of an all-new arc that sets up major events on the Prairie Rose reservation, we see the landscape through the eyes of a newcomer — a card shark and con man — whose presence could spell doom for one of our main characters. The countdown to chaos begins here with part 1 of "High Lonesome."
On sale January 21 -- 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Written by JASON AARON
Penciled by TAN ENG HUAT
The last time we saw Deputy Kowalski, he'd had his hand chopped off and eaten by a crazed cannibal and been Penance Stared by an enraged Johnny Blaze. Now he's back, armed with a hellfire shotgun and gunning for vengeance against the Ghost Rider. And as if that wasn't bad enough, there's also the little matter of the final war for heaven, as Danny Ketch leads the warrior angels of the Black Host against Blaze and his ragtag band of rebels. Is this really the end for the Spirits of Vengeance?
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99

Written by JASON AARON
Last time Wolverine tangled with the four mystical warriors of the Black Dragon Death Squad, it very nearly cost him his life. But this time he’s got some help, as every kung fu school in Chinatown unites behind him—including the reunited Sons of the Tiger!But at what price will come victory?And what dark decision will Wolverine be forced to make?
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$2.99

It just wouldn't be Christmas without the Punisher, now would it? There's no room at the inn for a mobster and his pregnant wife who are on the run from rival gangsters, but lucky for them Frank Castle is in a giving mood. Though keeping them alive won't be easy, what with three vicious gun-toting wise-guys and a wacked-out pimp named Shepherd all hot on their trail. But then nobody ever said Christmas miracles came easy, did they?
Explicit Content …$3.99
PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: December 3, 2008
WOLVIE review
"You read a Wolverine comic for stoicism, snikt!, mystery, grudge-holding former lovers, and beer. This book has all that, and may be doing it better than any ongoing book with the big guy's name on the cover."
"Just a Little Old Fashioned Justice"

Just the other day it was announced that I'm doing an American Eagle story that'll only be available online to subscribers of Marvel's Digital Comics service. Just to clear up any misconceptions, this is a one-time 8 page story, not an ongoing project. It's a kick-ass little story though, with gorgeous art by Richard Isanove, and it features a Marvel villain I've been dying to write.
For more info, check out this interview I did with Vaneta from Newsarama:
SCALPED Vol. 3: DEAD MOTHERS now available

"SCALPED is consistently one of the best books on the racks. With the third trade available now, it’s an excellent time to pick it up and immerse yourself in a thrillingly complex crime drama, one that dishes up equal parts action and violence, psychological drama, and supernatural elements and Native spirituality."
"Jason Aaron is comics fastest-rising star, and this is his magnum opus (so far). If you haven't yet, go pick up all three volumes of this killer noir comic and get hooked on the adventures of FBI agent Dashiell Shaw, working undercover on his home reservation. Really, really great!"
--Washington Times
Thanks for the kind words, Washington Times, but Dashiell SHAW? Where'd that come from?
Preview of GHOST RIDER #28
Saw these guys in Salt Lake City the other night. A kick-ass two man band, and yeah, that drum kit consists of a bass drum and a bunch of plastic buckets held together with duct tape. And trust me, that dude plays the fuck out of those buckets.
My Heroes: Michael O'Donghue
Michael O'Donoghue was one of the most brutally hilarious men who ever lived, the man who gave us "Children's Letters to the Gestapo" and "Mr. Mike's Least-Loved Bedtime Stories: The Little Engine That Died" and of course the famous impression of Elvis Presley with eighteen inch steel needles plunged into his eyes. No one else was better at making people laugh at things that weren't supposed to be funny.
Here he is with John Belushi in the opening skit of the very first episode of "Saturday Night Live."
The first issue of my WOLVERINE: MANIFEST DESTINY mini-series comes out in a couple weeks, and when it was initially solicited, you may have noticed a signed edition available from Dynamic Forces. That was a mix-up on their part. Just so you know, those copies won't be signed by me. If you wanna get my sloppy signature on your book, just come see me at Black Cat Comics in Utah this weekend.

Here's a movie that's just dying to be remade. And I would sure love to write it. Thanks to Jason Latour for turning me on to this flick.
Kris Kristofferson plays a struggling musician who's been busted for selling weed but is trying to go straight. Gene Hackman is the narc who busted him. When Hackman needs some cash, he steals a metric fuck-ton of weed and gives it to Kristofferson to sell, putting a gun to his head and telling him he needs to make ten thousand dollars in two days or he's dead. The movie kind of falls apart at the end (I kept waiting for the guys Hackman ripped off to show up, gunning to get their weed back, but they never did), but how great a set-up is that?
On another note, how cool is Kris Kristofferson? If I was to come up with five people, living or dead, I'd want to invite over for dinner, you better believe he'd make the list.
Adieu, T'Challa
Solicits for December
Posted by
Jason Aaron

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by R.M. Guera
Cover by Jock
"The Gravel In Your Guts" comes to its shockingly violent conclusion. The dark roads Chief Red Crow and fledgling criminal Dino Poor Bear have been traveling finally bring them together - with haunting repercussions for both.
On sale December 24 * 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US * MATURE READERS

Written by JASON AARON
Penciled by TAN ENG HUAT
Villain Variant by TBA
"The Last Stand of the Spirits of Vengeance" kicks into high gear! With Zadkiel and his army on the verge of conquering heaven itself, a force is gathering to oppose them, a group unlike any we've ever seen. But will their ranks include Johnny Blaze or has he given up the fight once and for all? Find out for yourself in this exciting new ###-kicking installment of the red hot GHOST RIDER!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99

Written by JASON AARON
It just wouldn't be Christmas without the Punisher, now would it? There's no room at the inn for a mobster and his pregnant wife who are on the run from rival gangsters, but lucky for them Frank Castle is in a giving mood. Though keeping them alive won't be easy, what with three vicious gun-toting wise-guys and a wacked-out pimp named Shepherd all hot on their trail. But then nobody ever said Christmas miracles came easy, did they?
48 PGS./Explicit Content ...$3.99

Written by JASON AARON
50 years ago Wolverine turned his back on the people of San Francisco's Chinatown when they needed him the most. Now he must make up for his mistake and somehow manage to unite all of the Kung Fu schools in the city, if he hopes to have any chance at defeating the brutal Black Dragon Tong that currently controls the underworld. Unfortunately, that's going to be hard for Logan to do when he happens to be locked inside a San Francisco jail cell.
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99
Your "To Do" List for Today
Go buy SCALPED #21, the first part of a new arc, "The Grave In Your Guts," featuring the always amazing art of R.M. Guera (and as an extra tidbit, there's an original essay I wrote for the backmatter, titled "19 Things That Fuel SCALPED").
Go buy GHOST RIDER #27, which features a man with a flaming skull for a head fighting an albino vampire and the always exciting art of Tan Eng Huat. Oh and also, nuns with nunchucks.
Come back here or go to my message board and tell me what you thought.
Give yourself a hug from me.
Go buy GHOST RIDER #27, which features a man with a flaming skull for a head fighting an albino vampire and the always exciting art of Tan Eng Huat. Oh and also, nuns with nunchucks.
Come back here or go to my message board and tell me what you thought.
Give yourself a hug from me.
Random Teases
Posted by
Jason Aaron
R.M. Guera
Stephen Segovia
Tan Eng Huat