The documentary, directed by Julien Nitzberg, follows the legacy of the White family of Boone County, West Virginia. Their most famous living member is Jesco White, star of the 1991 cult documentary hit "Dancing Outlaw" (on which Nitzberg was associate producer). The Appalachian clan is notorious for criminal activity and reckless, larger-than-life characters. They tap-dance, shoot and stab people (including each other), and sell (and do) a lot of drugs. Think "Sopranos" meets "Coal Miner's Daughter."
In Battered Haiti, Cockfighting A Fierce Diversion / fodder
One of the most popular sports in Haiti happens to be one that is illegal in the United States. Cockfighting rivals soccer as the most watched sport in Haiti.
The Museum of London has just launched an iPhone app that makes use of its extensive art and photographic collections as well as geo tagging and Google Maps to guide users around London where, via the iPhone screen, you can look into the past! By overlaying old photos, The Museum of London gives you a unique experience, making you want to explore the hidden history of London that surrounds you.
The great American writer left instructions not to publish his autobiography until 100 years after his death, which is now
The 6th Annual Queer Women of Color Film Festival will be held June 11 – 13 at San Francisco’s Brava Theater, and admission is free. On June 12, the festival will have its featured screening, “Reclaiming Remembrance,” which showcases films made by Native Two Spirit (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) filmmakers, including “Two Embrace,” a film by Diné Navajo/Oneida Iroquois activist Carrie House. This animated short illustrates the border tribes and Two Spirit peoples’ first contact with European Christians.
Two years ago, a police officer in a Brooklyn precinct became gravely concerned about how the public was being served. To document his concerns, he began carrying around a digital sound recorder, secretly recording his colleagues and superiors.
Ala. preacher gets life for killing mother of his six children and hiding her dead body in freezer / sweet-home-alabama
People who heard traveling evangelist Anthony Hopkins deliver sermons in the rural Southern towns where he preached sometimes called him a psychic or even a prophet. But prosecutors say the former soldier kept dark secrets while spreading God’s word. They accuse him of killing his wife, storing her body in a freezer for years and raping and molesting a young female relative.
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