Kind words from Ed Brubaker
Ed Brubaker, writer of DAREDEVIL, CRIMINAL and CAPTAIN AMERICA, answered:
Scalped or Casanova. I can't pick just one.
And why?
Because they're both completely unique and compelling works by authors who arrived recently with their voices already in tune. Scalped is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time. And Casanova is the superspy comic done crazy. It's got so many ideas on each page that it's almost exhausting.
And both books have great artists working on them, with a strength in storytelling not just being flashy.
Thanks, Ed. And I strongly second his endorsement of CASANOVA. What an amazing book.
SCALPED #12 Solicitation
Written by Jason Aaron; Art by John Paul Leon; Cover by Dave Johnson
As the first year of SCALPED comes to its dramatic conclusion, we spend a night with Dash Bad Horse — the reservation's resident bad-ass — as he lays out his hopes and dreams, his fears and darkest secrets, and his plan for staying alive throughout the turmoil.
Vertigo 32pg. Color $2.99 US Mature Readers
On Sale December 5, 2007
Comic Con in Lawrence, KS this weekend
My first issue of FRIDAY THE 13TH is out today

Written by Jason Aaron
Cover by Dustin Nguyen
Art by Adam Archer and Peter Guzman
Teenager Davie Falkner was born with a skull deformity that makes him the butt of nearly every joke. When his parents send him to camp, he learns that being different might just save your life at Camp Crystal Lake!
More Wolverine

Here's the article, which also contains a few comments from Howard Chaykin about the story he and I did for WOLVERINE #56.
Thoughts on SCALPED #9
I just recently finished reading THE OTHER SIDE published by vertigo, between sleep and work. What a great read that was. I’m not a big fan of war stories unless they offer something different than the usual stuff. This one certainly did. I was at first compelled to check this out because of the amazing Cameron Stewart. I love his work. But as I got into the story I was really impressed with how well it was written by Jason Aaron. Very intense, and hard to take at times, but a story like this should be. Cameron drew the hell out of this book, stunning. The combination of Jason’s thought provoking writing and Cameron’s extremely detailed art (that doesn’t forget the emotions of the scenes) made for a powerfully emotional impact. The ending just hits you very hard and haunts you for quite sometime afterward, which is very appropriate. When you see the content you’ll know what I mean by that. Great stuff.