Where'd GHOST RIDER go?
You may have noticed there's no mention of GHOST RIDER in the newly released Marvel solicitations for June. Don't worry though, the book is not canceled. I'll be finishing out my run just as planned. Look for more info soon. And here's a special sneak peek of upcoming artwork by Roland Boschi. Who might that be holding the trident? Hmmm....

What's up with the trade for the second arc(Spirits of Vengeance)? Amazon's got it listed to come out in September, AFTER the third arc(trials and tribulations) which comes out in August.
It's funky, I know, but that's the way they're doing it.
hello there mr. aaron, was wondering how long ur going to be on the Ghost Rider title, been digging every issue u've written. was also wondering if u've ever thought of working with the likes of artist Frazer Irving, cuz i think his eerie style would fit perfectly with the Ghost Rider character, and under your story telling. What do u think?
So when your run with ghost rider is over is the book done? Or will someone be taking over, It'd be hard filling your shoes after the great stories we've been getting
Someone else will take over when I'm done. GHOST RIDER ain't going away.
I have 8 more issues of GHOST RIDER left, and God yes, I would love to work with Frazier Irving. He's terrific.
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