Written by Jason Aaron
Art by R.M. Guera
Cover by Jock
“Casino Boogie” part 4 of 6. SCALPED gets spiritual in this issue when the focus turns to Catcher, the mysterious rider glimpsed in previous issues, who has foreseen the murder of someone on The Rez. Now he must saddle up one last time to try to save their life, and perhaps his own soul in the process.
On sale September 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Adam Archer & Peter Guzman
Cover by Dustin Nguyen
Teenager Davie Falkner was born with a skull deformity that makes him the butt of nearly every joke. When his parents send him to camp, he learns that being different might just save your life at Camp Crystal Lake!
On sale September 12 • 1 of 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
This FRIDAY THE 13TH issue was the first new thing I wrote after months spent working on THE OTHER SIDE and SCALPED, both serious, intense, research-heavy projects. And I must say I had a total blast with this thing. I'd been a fan of the films since I was a kid, so no research-required. I just ripped right into it. The story is sort of like FIRST BLOOD but with Jason as Rambo, and then you also mix in a drug-crazed sheriff, a deformed teenager and more references to 1970s pop culture than you can shake a stick at.