This is a sample page that Guéra produced over a year ago, without a script, just working off the original proposal for SCALPED. One look and we knew right away we'd found our artist.
In 2002, Jason Aaron won a Marvel Talent Search contest and subsequently saw his 8-page story published in Wolverine #175 and… that was it?
For those who’ve been following the recent con reports, Aaron’s name not only came up once but twice at DC’s Vertigo panels.
The Other Side, an October-debuting five-issue Vietnam War limited series with art by Cameron Stewart, was announced at Comic-Con International: San Diego.
This was followed by the announcement of another Vertigo project, this time an ongoing series called Scalped with art by R.M. Guéra and covers by Jock, at Wizard World Chicago.
Newsarama.com tracked down Aaron for a meet and greet session.