That's me on the left, with the beard, and Isotope owner James Sime on the right, with the hair. From my recent signing there.
New Mailing Address
I finally remembered to get a new post office box. I lost the old one I had after I kind of forgot to pay the bill for a few months. If anybody needs to send me anything, including Godzillla toys, beer, live rattlesnakes, French pastries, French ticklers or large denominations of American-made money, send it here:
Jason Aaron
P.O. Box 8538
Prairie Village, KS 66208-0620
Jason Aaron
P.O. Box 8538
Prairie Village, KS 66208-0620
Arizona, I am coming!
Also, want to have brunch with me and support the Hero Initiative all in one fell swoop? Then go here.
CBR Links of the Day
WHERE THE HELL AM I Week Two, where I talk about what it is I actually do for a living.
Preview of WOLVERINE #2.
And hey, WOLVERINE #1 sold out, so look for a second printing sometime next month. Thanks to everybody who picked it up. It's easily the best-selling book I've ever done, so I owe lots of people free beers I guess.
Preview of WOLVERINE #2.
And hey, WOLVERINE #1 sold out, so look for a second printing sometime next month. Thanks to everybody who picked it up. It's easily the best-selling book I've ever done, so I owe lots of people free beers I guess.

Sounds in My Head
New Justin Townes Earle. "Lord I'm goin' uptown, to the Harlem River to drown." ♫
Dashiell Hammett wrote here
Sitting in the seat where Hammett wrote the Maltese Falcon. John Grill's, San Francisco.
First installment of my new column for CBR is now online, where I talk about my secret origin as a comic book writer. How did I get to wherever the hell it is I'm at?
Was it luck? Determination? An inability to succeed at anything else? Free porn?
Or would you believe, all of the above.
Read "Where the Hell Am I and How Did I Get Here?"
Was it luck? Determination? An inability to succeed at anything else? Free porn?
Or would you believe, all of the above.
Read "Where the Hell Am I and How Did I Get Here?"
Scream Award nominations
The nominations for Spike TV's Scream Awards have been announced, and I'm up for Best Writer and SCALPED is nominated for Best Comic Book.
Go here to vote.
If I make it onto the telecast, it'll be my first appearance on Spike TV since my abbreviated attempt at a professional wrestling career under the guise of the masked bruiser Can O' Whupass.
Go here to vote.
If I make it onto the telecast, it'll be my first appearance on Spike TV since my abbreviated attempt at a professional wrestling career under the guise of the masked bruiser Can O' Whupass.
Upcoming Appearances
I've added two big signings for September, both at stores I've been wanting to visit for quite some time. On Sept. 11 I'll be signing at The Isotope in San Francisco and on Sept. 25 I'll be at the Atomic Comics Superstore in Mesa, Arizona. Hope to see you there.
WOLVERINE #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOLVERINE #1 is out this week, in which I send everyone's favorite Canucklehead to the depths of hell. Welcome to the Heroic Age, friends!
This is me talking WOLVERINE to USA Today
This is me taking questions on CBR's X-Position
And this is me encouraging you again to go buy WOLVERINE #1! It's the start of a lot of very big plans I have for Logan, things that will forever change his world and the cast of folks he has around him. If for no other reason, you should check it out just for the amazing art of both Renato Guedes and Jason Latour.
Coming up next, Wolverine vs. the devil! The return of Sabretooth! The Ghost Riders get involved! And the reappearance of the Marvel U's most badass midget!