Thanks to everybody who came out to Local Heroes in Norfolk last weekend. It was one of the best signings I've ever done, at one of the best stories I've ever been in. As you can see, it was crowded (that's me off to the left, stroking my beard). I signed a ton of books and talked to loads of fans, which is sincerely one of the best parts of my job. Thanks again.
When you posted your original link to the store I couldn't help but to check it out... as someone who would love to own/run a comic book store... Local Heroes is a pretty nice looking store.
Hi Jason,
My brother met you and had you sign some books.. 2 for him and 2 for me.. I thank you so much for signing multiple books, for if you didn't I would have never had your autograph. Unfortunately I had to work when you came through Norfolk.
The books I had auto'd via my brother were Punisher Max #1 and Wolverine: WX #6 (the padded room cover).
Thanks again for your generosity. Look forward to meeting you the next time you come through.
Oh and by the way... the Punisher MAX series, thus far, is very, very good and I'm sure will remain that way as long as you are writing it. Hope you stay with it for a long time to come.. looking forward to the Bullseye storyline.
Thanks again!
Kevin, Norfolk, VA
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