WOLVERINE: WEAPON X #5 is out today, which wraps up the first arc with explosions and sharks, and of course more laser claws and stabbity stab stab. There are big plans afoot for the ole Canucklehead, and this arc was just the beginning, laying the groundwork for what I hope will be the next few years worth of Wolverine stories. My first job in comics came in the pages of WOLVERINE, so me and the hairy little bastard go way back. I've written him several times over the last few years, from "Get Mystique" and "The Man In The Pit" to a kung fu mini-series and a barroom team-up with Spider-Man. And I've still got plenty of stories left to tell. In the book's second arc, kicking off in issue #6, look for guest appearances by Nightcrawler and Psylocke, as well as the introduction of crazy new villains like Dr. Rot, Nurse Fester, The Biter, Charlie Chainsaws and an oddball pair named Helter and Skelter. After that, make way for Captain America and the return of a certain killer cyborg from the future. And don't forget The Thing. I'm dying to do the story with Wolvie and The Thing. And beyond that... well, then things are gonna get REALLY crazy. You've been warned.