It's my first time working within a major company-wide crossover, and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. Fun little sandbox to play in. Look for it in stores today and let me know what you think.
I survived Comic-Con
This was the busiest, craziest Comic-Con I've ever been to. I'm home now, but still recovering. Gotta get back to work. Let's talk later.
Tweets for Today
- 01:03 @iFanboy Thank you guys again for all the love you show SCALPED. See you in San Diego. #
- 05:14 Midnight and still 90 degrees outside. I hate you summer, you sonuva bitch. #
- 19:23 @CBCebulski I here ya, man. I always have a great time at cons. #
- 19:24 If you're a comic creator who complains about having to do cons, then you've forgotten how much it sucks to work a real job. #
My schedule for the San Diego Comic-Con
Wednesday, July 23:
6:00-7:00 – Signing at the Marvel booth
Thursday, July 24:
12:30-1:30 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
1:45-2:45 – X-Men panel, Room 6B
4:45-5:45 – Mondo Marvel panel, Room 6A
Friday, July 25:
3:00-4:00 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
4:30-5:30 – Vertigo: View of the Future panel, Room 5AB
Saturday, July 26:
11:00-12:00 – Signing with Cameron Stewart, Booth #2207
1:00-2:00 – Signing at the Marvel booth
4:30-5:30 – Secret Invasion panel, Room 6A
6:00-7:00 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
Sunday, July 27:
Wondering the exhibit hall in a daze.
Come see me.
6:00-7:00 – Signing at the Marvel booth
Thursday, July 24:
12:30-1:30 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
1:45-2:45 – X-Men panel, Room 6B
4:45-5:45 – Mondo Marvel panel, Room 6A
Friday, July 25:
3:00-4:00 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
4:30-5:30 – Vertigo: View of the Future panel, Room 5AB
Saturday, July 26:
11:00-12:00 – Signing with Cameron Stewart, Booth #2207
1:00-2:00 – Signing at the Marvel booth
4:30-5:30 – Secret Invasion panel, Room 6A
6:00-7:00 – Signing at the DC/Vertigo booth
Sunday, July 27:
Wondering the exhibit hall in a daze.
Come see me.
Tweets for Today
- 13:23 "Deadly Hands of Kung Fu part 2 has finished downloading." Sweet! #
- 13:27 @swierczy Thankfully it's not just in Texas. I buy it all the time at the liquor store down the street from my house. #
- 14:59 Just wrote my favorite panel of GHOST RIDER yet. "This is the one I want them to remember me by." #
- 15:21 @kmellon If I'm remembered as the guy who wrote a touching scene about the love between a man and his dead rotting dog, that's okay too. #
Three books this week
Three new books for me this week. SCALPED #19 is the steamy beginning of a brand new arc. HELLBLAZER #246 is the finale of my two-part punk rock tale. And GHOST RIDER #25 is an all-out action issue, featuring a fight scene unlike any you've ever seen. Look for them all at your local comic book establishment.

Tweets for Today
- 22:36 Counting down to San Diego. Need to finish two scripts and start another before I leave. Can I do it? Will I do it? Will anyone care? #
Tweets for Today
- 14:16 Woke up to horrible back pain. Was I breakdancing in my sleep again? This is me on drugs. #
- 19:50 Who would've guessed that all those Saturdays I spent watching kung fu movies as a kid would eventually turn out to be valuable research. #
- 19:50 This has been another lesson in why I love my job. #
GHOST RIDER #26 Monkey Variant
- 04:24 Have a safe and happy 4th, my American brothers and sisters. And be sure to give the finger to an Englishman. #
- 04:24 Holy shit, this is the most intense lightning storm I've ever seen. Maybe I should get off the compuZZZZZZZZZTTTTTT......... #
- 15:07 @mattfraction What? I didn't do nothin'. #
- 18:01 @joshfialkov Thanks, man. "Homicide" and "The Wire" are my two all-time favorite TV shows, right above "Sanford & Son." #
- 22:28 @stevensanders Uh, I'm afraid you lost me at "art-nigger," Bill. #
- 17:35 Get to write one of my favorite Marvel characters for the first time today. This is what I look like when I'm smiling. #
- 22:11 Holy crap, did I write 12 pages today? That's gotta be a record for me. #