I buy some comics because I love the art in them, and don't bother reading them too carefully, others I buy because the story is so amazing that I don't care about which dog has illustrated them. Some I buy for refs for my work.
So as it happens I started buying The Other Side because I am a Cameron Stewart's fan, and little i knew, I got hooked to the story too.
Naturally I started spreading the word about this book and decided to check out the other book Jason Aaron is writing, Scalped. I pre ordered it at Gosh, my favourite comic book shop in London, but never got there to pick it up.
One fine day, as I was looking for more work, I wrote Will Dennis amongst other editors I respect and would love to work with, as well as artists and... I got to color SCALPED! I simply couldn't believe it.
No, it wasn't that straight forward, I had to do samples and prove RM Guera that I could really do a good job, and I was very happy that he believed I could. He is a great artist and he's really making me feel like part of a team, as well as teaching me a few tricks.
Sometimes good things happen.
The truth? I am happy to be on this gig, but also terrified. The first arc has been colored by Lee Loughridge, a very well known and loved colorist. I expect his fans and critic friends to slay me off and ...scalpe me.
I will survive, I guess. But meanwhile, please read this book. It is really the hell of a good story, told with brilliant art, and if the colors suck, it's still worth buying, and you can keeel me at a later stage...
looks gorgeous!
i enjoyed Lee's strong pallettes, though if everything looks as good as what i see here, you guys won't miss a beat with the switch.
on the contrary Tony, on the contrary...
RM Guéra
ps...& thanks...;
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