There's an article at Comic Book Resources that's sort of a roundtable discussion of Native Americans in comics, and it includes quotes from Tim Truman, Mark Waid, David Mack, Jeff Mariotte and me, among others.
Seems like I've been doing a lot of interviews lately. And a lot of writing too. Last week, I finished up a horror script for Wildstorm, and this week I'm writing a short robot story and then getting started on my first, full-fledged superhero gig, about which I'm really excited. And it's looking like this won't be the only superhero I get to write in 2007. So stay tuned.
And then there's SCALPED. Guéra is busy finishing issue #7, and it's already looking like the best issue yet. I'll need to get to work on #8 pretty soon. First though, I need to dig up reference on knife fights, cow bells, big ass belt buckles, bull riding, various styles of Kung Fu and Merle Haggard's tour bus. And I'll also probably re-watch both RETURN OF THE DRAGON and EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE.