At present, I'm a fledging comic book writer with eight published pages to my name (see WOLVERINE #175, if you're really bored). But later this year, my first major league project will finally hit the shelves, courtesy of Vertigo Comics.
Here's the official press release:
February 24th, 2006 - First time comic book writer, Jason Aaron, confronts the emotional and political aspects of the Vietnam war in THE OTHER SIDE. The project was announced by Karen Berger, the Vice President and Executive Editor of Vertigo during the New York Comic Convention on Friday, February 24, 2006. This mini-series will be published by Vertigo, the For Mature Readers imprint of DC Comics, in the summer of 2006.
"THE OTHER SIDE was one of the most visceral scripts I've ever read. Writer Jason Aaron's portrayal of both sides of the Vietnam conflict is so achingly real and the relevancy is obvious and immediate," said acquiring editor Will Dennis. "And for my money, this is the best work that Cameron Stewart has ever done, period. A perfect Vertigo project."
THE OTHER SIDE will be written by Aaron and drawn by Cameron Stewart (Manhattan Guardian, CATWOMAN); it is Aaron's first project with DC Comics and Vertigo. THE OTHER SIDE follows two men on opposite sides of the Vietnam war who must trudge through the ghosts of soldiers that fell before them, before their fateful meeting during the siege of Khe Sanh.
"Jason Aaron and Cameron Stewart deliver a timeless and visceral work in THE OTHER SIDE," said Vertigo VP Executive editor Karen Berger. "It provides a brutal and breathtaking look at war and its impact on the hearts and souls of the fighting men on both sides of conflict. Once you read it, you'll never forget it."
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jason Aaron has worked as a video clerk, BBQ waiter, film critic and porn distributor. His only previous comic book work came in the pages of WOLVERINE, as a winner of the Marvel Comics Talent Search in 2002. In addition to his work with Vertigo, Jason plans to write a biography of his late cousin Gustav Hasford, the Vietnam vet whose novel, THE SHORT-TIMERS, was the basis for Stanley Kubrick's film FULL METAL JACKET. Born in Jasper, Alabama, Jason currently lives in Kansas City with his wife and two sons.
ABOUT THE ARTIST: Cameron Stewart is best known for his critically-acclaimed run as illustrator of DC Comics' CATWOMAN, with writer Ed Brubaker, on which he developed his dense, cinematic narrative style. He followed CATWOMAN with a series of collaborations with writer Grant Morrison, including THE INVISIBLES, SEAGUY, and SEVEN SOLDIERS: THE MANHATTAN GUARDIAN. He has also contributed to a wide variety of titles including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, DEADENDERS, TRANSMETROPOLITAN, SWAMP THING, HELLBLAZER, HELLBOY, BPRD, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, HUMAN TARGET, and TOMORROW STORIES. He currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada, where he is a founding member of illustrator's collective The Royal Academy of Illustration and Design.
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